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The Checkpoint Women | Memories
שומרות הסף | זכרונות
Israel 2023 | 60 minutes | Hebrew | Hebrew, English translation
22 years after they established the women's organization Machsom Watch, its founders reveal what really happened at the checkpoints between Israel and the West Bank between 2002-2012. This is the story of a group of courageous women who dedicated their lives to safeguarding human rights and peace.
Dir.: Eliezer Yaari | Chief Prod.: Eliezer Yaari | Prod.: Sassi Efrati | Ed.: Tsipi Raz | Archive Material Photographer: Neta Efroni | Cast: Ram Le-Tal | Research: Rachel Nechoshtai | Music: Shay Alon | Mix: Ronnie Calderon | Design and Animation: Shachar Kantor | Source: Sassi Efrati | Supported by: HOT8

| להאזנה יש ללחוץ על כפתור הפליי
הטור השבועי שלי ברדיו.
משודר בכל שבוע כבר למעלה מ-20 שנה ברשת ב׳
בתכניתו של ירון אנוש 'כל שישי' בשעה 16:00.
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